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Films in Focus: Clue (1985)

Mairwen Jones & Allie Rezek

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

A Look At Clue’s Iconic Formula: How Familiar Character Tropes Create an Unforgettable Mystery


Clue, released in 1985, captures the perfect atmosphere of the familiar and suspenseful game of “Clue,” hence the name. It includes the six iconic characters such as Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. White, Professor Plum, Mr. Green, Colonel Mustard, and Miss Scarlet; the film helps audiences envision these fictional and hilarious personalities with a realistic impression. Another character (though not traditional to the board game) involved is the butler, Wadsworth, played by the famous Tim Curry (a great reason you should watch and enjoy this movie). If you have never played this mystery board game before, you should, and then you need to immediately watch this movie and see your favorite characters and scandalous stories come to life right before your eyes. 

Although this movie was released almost forty years ago it is still famous for its formula of the “perfect” murder mystery. Some people enjoy the commonality with other mysteries, while others prefer a more unique and less predictable thrill, not exactly what this movie provides. Both opinions are equally right because familiarity provides comfort but new experiences give us exciting memories and maybe even a jump scare. Something that many audiences love to fall back on is the classic character formula, which is a formula we recognize in Clue including the widow, the artist, the “tough” guy, the intellect, the wealthy, mature woman, and the sexy individual (man or woman). This formula is repetitive but with repetition comes a sweet treat, the knowledge of what will happen, creating the feeling of comfort. 

Mrs. White (third floor, right window) plays the stereotype of the “widow” with a dark and hidden past, similar to the rest of the personas created in the cast. But she is different, as she is the most associated with death and murder because who knows how she became all… alone? Was it all an accident, and if so, why can’t she tell the rest of the class? Because of these suspicions, often her grief is put aside. People seem to forget she has lost someone, even though his luxurious will makes up for it. Even with her solemn attire and grievous eyes, she provides comedic relief through the most common type, sarcastic humor. A sardonic remark always lightens the mood, until it doesn't. 

Professor Plum (second floor, right window) plays the “intellect,” usually portrayed by a man, and of course associated with the color purple, a rich and royal tone, the opposite of his rakish attitude. He is constantly trying to impress Miss Scarlet with his indecent language and sexual innuendo, a characteristic purposefully created for audiences to be disturbed by, but still somehow accepted. His round glasses make him seem less intimidating though his alarming behavior proves otherwise. Even with his quiet demeanor, he makes sexist actions, something we shouldn’t have to become accustomed to and ignore. Although the game was created many decades ago, it still needs to be addressed. But is he just a disgusting man, or is he capable of murder for means of hiding his obsessions of the opposite sex?

Mr. Green (first floor, right window) plays “the artist,” at least to a certain extent with his flamboyant personality; he even admits to being queer, a characteristic often found in “the creative one.” He is the character with the most flexibility and change from other versions found in mysteries. Something that is often found in his character is being misunderstood, or simply expected to understand his stance and station in society with the upper class and how they see him as a tramp of the rich. Could that alone cause him to commit an unspeakable murder? You will have to watch to find out as his character has much mystery that is only revealed at the movie's very end. 

Mrs. Peacock (second floor, left window) is the stereotypical older woman who gained wealth through marriage to a respected man. Her charm and demeanor are often overlooked which is why she can use them to her advantage. She is outspoken and hates silence, for she can never go without entertainment. Her outfit is very loud, similar to her personality, with a flourish of textures and colors. Because of her visual harmlessness to the viewer's eye, just like any other older woman, she can surprise you with a snarky response, or even murder. 

Colonel Mustard (first floor, left window) is very outspoken and plays the typical “tough guy” stereotype. He was previously appointed in the military which provides a sense of bravery to many viewers, seeming to explain why he is the way he acts. Like everyone else, he is perceived to be dangerous especially since his past military experience could give him an advantage. Colonel Mustard is stern as well as determined to solve the mystery and find out who the killer is. But the ultimate question is: could he be using that very determination to mask the fact that he is a prime suspect in this crime?

Miss Scarlet (third floor, left window) is conveyed as an egotistical, self-confident, dangerous woman who is shown to represent the unspeakable thoughts that the male characters can’t resist thinking. Her traits seem villainous and conniving, sprouting from her sex appeal as she is the youngest of the characters. She is seen to be seductive, using her feminine charm to take whatever she wants. She is cunning yet not given the credit she deserves for she is only seen as an individual for men, and only for men. With her body she has accomplished many things as well as her intellect proving all of the other suspects wrong. This is a prominent stereotype of women across film and not just limited to the mystery genre. Strong, smart, and bold women displayed in cinema are often not receiving the attention they deserve purely based on the way they look and how society has categorized women for all cinematic years. Because she is so labeled to the idea that her gender limits, would she be able to get away with murder in the event of revenge against such sexist views?

Even with the many critiques about the characters and what they stand for, they are the standard for a classic murder mystery, whether good or bad. Realism is not the goal of this movie or the genre, but merely entertainment. And that is exactly what it achieves: a fun, hilarious time while getting to know such fabulously driven characters that represent the mystery genre; a genre that needs to be broken down, but not altogether torn apart.

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