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  • Radhika Pant and Cynthia Liu

ASFA Strategic Plan maps out priorities for next five years of school development

The ASFA Strategic Plan is an inclusive and deliberate long-term development plan for the future of the ASFA community. Initially presented to the student body by President Dr. Tim Mitchell at the 2023 Yearbook Dedication in September, the Strategic Plan details a deep-dive approach to the next five years of the school. It was developed by members of the faculty, staff, and board of directors, as well as students, parents, and alumni, highlighting diverse voices and opinions.

The ASFA Star interviewed Dr. Mitchell to discuss the Strategic Plan, beginning with an overview of the document. When asked how the ideas first arose, Dr. Mitchell explained that the day-long Hopes and Dreams retreat was hosted to better understand ASFA experiences from traditionally underrepresented voices, and the school prioritized these opinions when creating the Strategic Plan.

Staying true to the ASFA mission, the goal of the Strategic Plan is to further develop the school’s unique deep-dive approach by building a community supportive of individual students’ passions and abilities in their specialty departments. With focuses on both environmental as well as educational aspects, the Strategic Plan aims to create a “solid foundation for authentic, strategic goals and actions.”

The first pillar of the Strategic Plan focuses on residential life. An integral part of the ASFA community, dorm students make up almost 25 percent of the school's population, coming from multiple counties across Alabama and even from states as far away as Colorado and Texas. The Strategic Plan aims to create a more supportive and inclusive culture for these students in lieu of parental roles.

Dr. Mitchell tells The Star that ASFA is also “trying to innovate our way to a better [physical] structure, which means a huge increase in the kind of resources we bring to the dorm.” Plans exist to enrich co-curricular activities, offer more support regarding life and study skills, provide mental health check-ins, and potentially implement a bus transportation system. Additionally, 7th and 8th-grade student boarding will phase out until they can have a “separate space and programming appropriate for their development and support.”

The second pillar of the Strategic Plan revolves around middle school. The 2023-24 school year brought 7th graders into the Math/Science department, which raised discussion regarding further middle school expansion. According to Dr. Mitchell, “Sixth grade was considered in the strategic planning process…but that would require us to do different things that we can’t handle appropriately.”

However, ASFA has created new programs directed specifically at younger students, including the addition of a piano program in the Music department focused on 7th and 8th graders. ASFA administrators are also implementing non-specialty learning opportunities and additional supportive resources for the middle school demographic.

The final pillar of the Strategic Plan aims to prioritize ASFA’s approach to digital media and marketing. With plans for new building signage and updated social media, the school is constantly exploring how ASFA is perceived. Additionally, the Strategic Plan intends to create collaborative and integrative digital media arts classes across specialty departments. “We're trying to integrate [digital media] across the six disciplines eventually,” says Dr. Mitchell.

The school is also planning an interdisciplinary film minor, which begins with the student film festival proposed for this spring or summer. Yearly elective faculty summits are also being established to discuss integrative digital media and provide additional professional development in this regard.

Execution of many of the objectives of the Strategic Plan has already begun. Under the goal of campus maintenance, the Black Box Theater and Recital Hall have already seen significant improvements, and plans to rebuild physical spaces are well underway. According to Dr. Mitchell, “Three finalists [have been chosen] from different architectural firms who have done work with either art schools or urban campuses,” and the next step is for them to present master plans and for ASFA to fundraise for all the interlocking pieces.

While the aspirations of the Strategic Plan start here, many ideas still exist for further long-term development. Although conversations surrounding athletics, community involvement, and clubs/student leadership organizations flew under the radar, they are still being held throughout the community — perhaps these ideas will be included in ASFA’s next developmental process! For the time being, however, the ASFA community looks forward to the changes the Strategic Plan will bring to all aspects of the student experience and is excited for the future of the school.

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