It has already come to most of the student body's attention that there will be some changes to the exam schedule next week: all students will be expected to attend their exam periods -- as all classes are meant to have something to occupy them during that time, whether a presentation, test, quiz, or an actual exam -- and exam periods will be shortened by 25 minutes.
Many students have complained quite extensively about the new arrangement, and simply do not understand why they would be required to come in when they don’t have anything to do unless they choose to present the project they made.
In addition, some people are even more perturbed by the change from an hour and 45 minute exam period to an hour and 20 minute exam period. The reason appears rather obvious: if attendance is required regardless of purpose, shorten the period. I will admit that I have almost never used the full exam period, and would predict that they are shortening them as a result of very few students using the full time. Regardless of this, I am still a little concerned and cautious about the change, due to how it may affect students who work at slower paces and might have been more likely to use those now-axed 25 minutes. Many students enjoy such long periods because it alleviates the stress of running out of time and gives them a chance to check back over their answers. I fear that the change may introduce further anxiety, causing students to panic or rush for fear they won’t finish, or that the shortened time allotment may cut into people’s ability to double-check their answers.
According to the school registrar, Katie Gordon, the new arrangement means to get ASFA back to how exams were pre-COVID, as since the pandemic, many teachers have chosen to forgo any type of assessment for exam day. She also assured me that they are not asking us to go into exam periods regardless of engagements in them, but that they are requiring all teachers to have an engagement on exam day. Here's what she said in an email response to this question:
I think there's some confusion because it's not that students ‘attend all exam periods regardless of whether or not they have exams.’ All class periods 1-7 should have scheduled exams, therefore students should be in attendance to take the exam for that class. This does not apply to courses like STAR or Study Hall, of course. If students have one of these classes, they do not need to come and sit in the room during that exam time.
Maria Marino, ASFA's Academic Support Coordinator, added this:
I just want to reiterate what Mrs. Gordon said and also add that it’s not really a new exam schedule, but more of a re-emphasis on what the expectations are for that week. (I think the Covid years played a part in the slight shift from the previous expectations.) All teachers should have some form of assessment for their 1st – 7th period classes next week, whether it’s a project, unit test, or cumulative exam (we don’t have a prescribed exam format that all teachers must follow), and all students are expected to be here for that assessment. As Mrs. Gordon said though, no need to be here for a STAR or Study hall period.
Marino also indicated that she's confident teachers will adjust what they're doing in the exam period to match the shortened time allotment.
While this is a sudden and awkward adjustment for many of us, especially taking into consideration that even six-year seniors would have only attended pre-COVID ASFA for a year before the lockdown hit, our school is full of hard-working, determined students who I trust to give their end-of-semester assessments their all in spite of the rapidly approaching break. Regardless of any confusion over these changes, I wish you all the best of luck on your assessments (whether they be projects, tests, or quizzes) and hope that you all have restful breaks and happy holidays, full of joy and relaxation.