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  • Lael Ponder


NAME: Rey Vandiver GRADE: 11th Grade DEPARTMENT: Visual Arts

Comfort vs style? What do you value more?

Comfort, I feel like I’d rather just be comfy and focus on the things that I’m doing, then put more effort into my style and not be relaxed and feeling good.

Do you prefer formal or casual events? Or both?

I think both, formal events can be really fun and dressing up a little bit and feeling fancy, but also casual events and spending time with your friends is also really fun.

How do you describe your style?

I would say comfy is a good word, kinda casual, earthy, fun.

What inspired your style?

I’ve experimented with my style a lot and tried to find what I’m comfortable with on Pinterest, my best friend, just looking at other people’s style. Experimenting a lot, and it just ended up here.

What is your signature hairstyle?

I see what happens when I get out of bed and don’t put much effort. I just like keeping it short and natural.

What do you wear during the fall?

Sweaters, hoodies, all day.

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