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Senior Profile: Visual Arts' Abbey Dickey

Liam Little

Updated: 1 hour ago

This semester, we'll be profiling a representative sampling of ASFA graduating seniors as they prepare to, well, graduate. [Sadface emoji!] First up, it's visual artist Abbey Dickey.

L(akaWZ): Hello, it's me Liam and who am I with today?

A: Abbey Dickey

L: Abbey Dickey. Yes. What grade are you in?

A: Senior grade.

L: That’s awesome, senior grade. So what can you tell me about the moomins?

A: Like the cartoon?

L: Yes, the moomins.

A: Well, growing up I had this Romanian friend that was really into moomin and she introduced me to them.

L: Why did you decide to do the cupcake animation with them?

A: Oh, oh, that was for Ash Pierce's 18th birthday.

L: Wow, that's old. So really no personal connection with them?

A: No, no, I think they're cute, I like the style…but I know so many people that are so interested in them but I can't say I'm the biggest fan myself. 

L: Interesting. But that kind of animation is really cool; how did you start doing that?

A: I started this year doing animation with different printmaking techniques. Solarfast and cyanotype animations this year.

L: What is solarfast?

A: It’s like– where cyanotype is two-part, solarfast is a one-part chemical mix and you paint it onto paper or fabric and expose it to a negative. And it comes in different colors.

L: So, you're really focusing on animation this year.

A: I was first semester with the tv and vhs tapes, but second semester I've been doing sculpture. But I'll try to blend it with animation so we'll see how that goes. 

L: What made you wanna do animation to start?

A: In 11th grade I made this quick animation that was my dad's head floating…and spinning, and it was really simple but it was really interesting. And I wanted to try and mix my printmaking with a digital element.

L: That's really cool. I think animation is awesome. Ok, though, real question: How does it feel to be in the ASFA magazine?

A: Oh, like the one that was in the lobby? It feels great! I was really excited to see my piece there.

L: How’d it get in?

A: I sent in a few images a couple of months ago and I forgot about them until I walked into the lobby and saw a few of my prints there. 

L: Which one was it, again?

A: It was a cyanotype that had my eyes, and a picture of me when I was younger, and with pufferfish.

L: Daang. Ok, ok, ok, we're wrapping up! Final question. How is the senior showcase coming along?

A: (laughing) That's a horrible question to ask. I'm currently working on a sculpture series using chairs and…it's a lot. It involves, like, repetitions and superstitions and rituals. And it's time consuming but I think the pay-off will be worth it and I'm happy with it and looking forward to seeing it all come together.

L: That's awesome. I'm happy for you. Senior awesome.

A: I'm happy for you.

L: (laughing) Thank you. Thanks for being such an awesome senior/ guest as well.

A: Anytime.


Abbey Dickey is a visual artist from Birmingham, Alabama. She attends the Alabama School of Fine Arts in the Visual Arts department. Her work showcases specific objects and symbols interconnected through memories. She uses distinct stories, phrases, and experiences to create works of art through a wide variety of mediums.

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