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Students recount Theatre, Music departments' summer trip to Africa

Gracie Marble

After the spring 2023 semester, students from the Theatre Arts and Music departments took a trip to South Africa and Namibia that many have described as a life-changing experience.

Theatre Arts department students met with poet Ashwyn Mberi, who was a former student of Theatre Arts department chair John Manzelli. Mberi helped the students write and record their own poems about their personal experiences in Namibia. Senior Mindy Skates' poem is featured in the video attached.

“He was really inspiring," Skates said. "As somewhat of a writer myself, it was really great to meet another writer especially from a different culture. It really opened my eyes to see that if you're really dedicated to doing something, the universe will let you do that. Writing is what makes it magical because it's what makes it yours.”

Theatre Arts students also performed at a club. They prepared monologues, scenes, songs, and dances.

Both departments performed with Gazza, a widely-known music artist in Namibia. Theatre Arts students and Music department vocalists sang along with the Namibian choir, while the Music department's instrumentalists performed with the orchestra.

The result of these performances were rich and valuable experiences that students say had a lasting effect on them.

“I connected with a lot of people and built stronger friendships,” said Music sophomore Audrey Mitchell.

“Being in the choir was one of the best experiences I've ever had," said Music junior Delilah Dussich. "It was ecstatic, and frankly made me cry. The joy of singing truly was brought out in that whole performance and made it a magical experience.”

“My favorite song to perform was 'Salema We.' I just love that song so much. It was a real embodiment of the trip as a whole," said Theatre Arts senior Favor Buchi-Ahiabuike. "To be able to live in that experience and even be able to just make music and arts together was just so magical.”

“I learned how life is supposed to feel: Joyful, honest, and fun," said Theatre Arts senior Nalin Reed. "Sometimes in life, we get so caught up in what’s going on, we lose sight of ourselves, and being in such a nurturing environment enables you to see yourself clearly.”

The students went on a safari and saw all types of animals. Music junior Voe Elle Jones said she enjoyed “being able to spend time with my peers in nature and having the ability to share the beautiful sites that we saw throughout my photography."

Toward the end of the trip, the students were lucky enough to see and walk on sand dunes in Africa. “I liked sliding down the dunes and rolling around in the sand," said Theatre Arts junior Aubrey Segars.

One student, Theatre Arts junior Jack Fokkens, is actually from South Africa. “It was a surreal experience," he said. "I didn't know what to expect after being away for so long, but as soon as I was back there it felt like home again.

"The community was different, due to a different political climate in South Africa. I wasn't quite used to that yet, as it wasn't the same as when I was there. However, the people still had the hope that I admire so much about South Africans. Singing with Gazza was unbelievable, it was such an honor to be able to perform with him, and to be involved in that kind of music revolution to show the Namibian government why they should support the arts proved to me what it means to be an artist. I cannot thank Mr. Manzelli and [Music department chair] Mr. [Alex] Fokkens enough for this opportunity; it was truly remarkable.”

“I can tell my teachers care about me and I learned a lot about them. I'd like to thank them all personally with as much gratitude as can be expressed with just a thank you, but this experience truly was life-changing,” said Theatre senior Makini Lewis.

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