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  • Writer's pictureAleese Turner

What is Tie Thursday? Explore the latest dress-up tradition

Yes, Tie Thursday is a thing.

If you have ever noticed an unusual amount of students wearing ties on Thursday, you have Mr. Spraul and Dr. Flournoy to thank. At ASFA, a movement of wearing ties on Thursday, much like Casual Friday or Taco Tuesday, has seen a rise in participation.

Tie Thursday is a day taken out of the week for participating students and faculty to wear a tie. This can include any form of a tie: regular ties, bow ties, clip-on ties, and even shirts with tie prints.

After a failed attempt at a Casual Friday, both men decided to continue the school year with Tie Thursday,

“This Casual Friday thing is not for me,” Spraul said. In the following weeks, only Flournoy and Spraul would be seen wearing ties. The turning point of what would be this tradition of Tie Thursday would be when other students began to participate in the event.

Spraul sees this as an opportunity to have fun and spice up a Thursday. It allows students a chance to join in on the movement to wear a tie, some for the first time.

“Dr. Flournoy and I realized that this could be kind of good. In a way it’s kind of like a job skill,” Spraul said.

While this event is seen mostly within the Math/Science department, anyone from any department is welcome to participate. Tie Thursday offers students a chance to get in on a humorous event but also a learning experience.

Dr. Flournoy was unable to be reached for comment.

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